Task 4- Build a URL Shortener website.

Task 4- Build a URL Shortener website.

This is the fourth week of the SideHustle internship bootcamp and as it is for every week, we are given a new challenge (task) to work on and as much as it really doesn't get any easier, we so far have been able to pull off every task together as a team.

The task for this week is to build a URL Shortener website with an integrated application programming interface (API)

Implementation of task:-

Well, the planning and execution of this task wasn't particularly easy as we initially, individually, had little or no knowledge of how a URL shortener works or how to work with an API. Hence, it was necessary for everyone on the team to research and learn about URL Shorteners and API integration. Before I go on with more details of how we carried out this task, I'll explain a bit of how a URL shortener works and what an API is.

""What is a URL shortener? A URL shortener is an online tool that reduces the number of URL characters. Basically, it decreases the length of a web address. It transforms a long and complicated link into something that’s shorter, more memorable, and easier to use. It is also referred to as link shortener, link compressor, or link shrinker.

URL shorteners will…

  • Reduce the character count of a web address
  • Allow you to customize the link
  • Track your link’s engagement.

URL shorteners will not…

  • Allow for duplicate link
  • Hurt your search engine optimization (SEO).

How do URL shorteners work? The gist of a URL shortener is pretty straightforward: You paste in your lengthy link and the tool creates a much shorter link that is easier to look at, remember and ultimately, use and share.

What is an API? APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau’s software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone... Visit Here to learn more about APIs.""

So, having researched and gained useful insights into how to execute the task, we chose a name for the website; Elide. Next, we had the codes written for the framework and styles, input functionality and validation and finally worked on integrating the API, using the Rest API model. Then we had our task completed with the website hosted.

You can visit our URL Shortener website here and have your long, unwieldy links turned into something that is way easier to remember and access.

In spite of the fact that the technicality involved in getting this task done was rather complex, we finished with a remarkable performance and sure now have some new information and knowledge added to our skillsets.

Thanks for reading.😊

""""Excerpts from: golinks.com/blog/how-do-url-shorteners-work & aws.amazon.com/what-is/api/#:~:text=API%20s..